I think patience is definitely a virtue. I also think that kids definitely test your patience. I laugh at some of the “how to” books on parenting. The first time you see Johnny write on …
When your little boy has cancer, this is a good time to “phone home”. The one thing you can be sure of is that your family will always be your family for the rest of …
Faith is an incredible thing. It is hard to believe in something that you cannot see. We are Catholic and we believe in God. The truth however, is that going to church is hard and …
If you entered a drawing and were one of 250 people out of sixty million that were chosen to go on a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience, would you take your camera? I would. The travel experience …
As parents, we are advocates for our children whether old or young, whether in sickness or in health. In the world we live in today, I wouldn’t send my kids to the park or to …
Communicating with our children is hard. I am not sure there are any set rules about how to communicate with your children because every situation is different. I think that the foundation for healthy communication …
I think our family keeps very busy doing all kinds of things: family events, school, sports, friends, hobbies, vacations, etc. As a result, sometimes we put off doing things for a time when “life is …
I think I am like any ordinary dad that will go to battle for my kids and do as much as possible to shield them from harm. What do I say when at the bedside …
When I was updating the web site for Nick, our family and friends, I asked Nick what he wanted to have as a quote on each page. When he was 8 and was diagnosed with …
“The blessing is that both sons have managed to get through all of this in good spirits. The recipe like life itself is pretty simple: faith, attitude and humor. Even our dog, Heidi, took a …